Thursday 29 March 2012

We hope you have enjoyed overviewing our progress in the production of our A2 Media Studies Coursework. For more information, analytical responses and personal reflections, have a look at the individual blogs by each group member: Sam Hopkins [link], Jakub Pieta [link] and Harry Moppett [link].

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Music Video

We can finally be proud to present to you: our music video for Ike & Tina by Jamie T,
performed by our artist Freddy and the Letdowns!

Lyric Booklet

To go together with our digipak, we created an insert booklet to be held in the left inside sleeve of the album, featuring lyrics, extra photos and more detailed institutional information on the rear, including a message of dedication from the artist.

Front cover of booklet (Done by Jakub)
Inside left, first page (Done by Sam)
Right side of page (Done by Sam)
Center spread on next double page ( Done by Jakub)
Next page, left side (Done by Harry)
Final page, right side (Done by Sam)
Back of booklet (Done by Jakub)


The photos were selected from our large pool of stills taken during test runs, artist photoshoots and filming production days with the actors, resulting in the choice of the following four shots:
Front (Part done by Sam)
Inside (Left, acting as a sleeve for additional lyric booklet)
Have been done by Harry.

Inside (Right, behind plastic CD holder)
Have been dony by Harry.
Back (Designed and done by Jakub)

Magazine/Poster Advertisement

Album Art

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Audience Feedback

In one lesson we conducted a group showcase for all of the videos as they neared completion, and were asked to offer comments on:
  • Synchronisation of the actor
  • Camera shots/angles/framing
  • Sustained interest
  • Pace of the music and linked editing pace
  • Narrative
  • Target audience
  • ....and overall enjoyment!

After looking over the feedback and comments from our audience, we discovered that many liked the pace of the editing as it complements the pace of the song. As a group we were very happy when the audience had only positive points to say on the editing, as we had at times found it difficult to create cohesion between the edits and pace of music. This was because as it was imperative to us to simulate the flow of a real music video, and from the comments we believe we have achieved this.
The other comments were mainly about the narrative and the use of actors, and by reading the feedback we found that the audience fully understand actually the whole narrative not only through the lyrics but also through the on screen visuals. One audience member had an extremely positive response to the the narrative: "Engaging, funny with the use of kid police...good narrative".

We also came across many positive comments about the lighting during the party scene and sex scene in the video. It seems the audience responded well to the interesting display of colours and effects which we used to create ambiance and atmosphere e.g "The lighting is amazing"

Finally, we also received positive feedback about our varied cast, which made the music video more interesting as it stands out from other work in the class which may have only used one or two group members as actors. People were also impressed with the overall performance, including appropriate actor choice for Freddy, his behaviour in character, and the synchronisation of the editing. Therefore we are highly pleased that we carried out our idea well and it worked.

That is not to say we didn't receive any comments recommending things to change. As the screening was to fellow Media Studies students, they were able to give technically-appropriate feedback, such as precise shots that dragged on too long or comments on particular angled shots, which was incredibly useful in perfecting the final product.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Genre, Context and Audience Reflection

As the editing process draws to a close, we thought we should reflect upon how well our video fits in the with genre of the music, and how it meets the expectations of that audience. We first noted the similarities between our video and others from the genre, and after having avoided it during the planning phase (for feat of directly reproducing), we looked at Jamie T's actual videos [website link] to see if they are similar too:

Jamie T - Sticks and Stones Official Music Video
Our Music Video (Jamie T - Ike and Tina)
 We also considered how our video targets our primary audience demographic. The lifestyle we depict is clearly relatable for the young audience demographic, which creates a key link between the audience and the artist, which is highlighted through the fashionable costume styles. Through this, we determined that our product was indeed on the way to becoming successful in being accepted into the genre and the representation of our artist being accepted by the target audience.

Monday 5 March 2012

Social Media

 We created two social networking websites for our artist in an endeavour to replicate the ways that social media has impacted on how new bands can distribute their music and extend their image.!/FTheLetdowns

Thursday 1 March 2012

Logo Designs

We created three different logos in the process of designing a band logo, drawing on genre conventions as well as audience feedback to finally arrive at the logo we used on the artwork at the bottom: